ENERGY CLEARING | Connection2Ascension
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Shifting Into Your Highest Potential

  • 1 h
  • 150 US dollars
  • Connecticut, USA

Service Description

The chakras are the primary energy centers of the etheric body. They oftem become blocked with emotions like fear, shame, guilt, anger, resentment, obligation, hatred and self-hatred. In addition, energetic cords with other people or entities can obstruct the natural flow of loving energy through the chakra system. I offer specific guidance, instruction and spiritual techniques, empowering you to be your own healer. I also offer direct feedback and my presence and assistance to help you through your healing journey. My goal is to empower you with techniques you can continue to use each day to keep yourself clear. In a typical healing session, I will first read your aura, letting you know where I see blocks and constrictions in the flow of energy through your chakras. Then I will guide you with specific techniques to direct focused energy to dislodge blockages and unhealthy cords and attachments, and to open, activate and energize areas that are constricted, filling each chakra and your entire energy field with Divine Love. Usually I will let you do the work, so you are empowered to continue clearing your own field in your every-day life. But if it is called for, and with your permission, I will offer direct assistance in clearing difficult cords or attachments. And throughout the session I hold a field of strong Divine Love to facilitate all the guided work I ask you to do. More info :🪬🤍💜💙💚💛🧡❤️🕯🔥💨💧 Quantum healing— is a little hard to explain. By combining ideas from mind-body medicine with quantum physics, meditation, and Eastern medicine, it purports that you can heal your body, mind, and spirit by shifting energy at a quantum (or subatomic) level. I went immediately to sleep 💤 cause I have to use my own "life force" to heal you from within. "Life force" is similar to the Chinese idea of "chi" or the Indian idea of "prana." There are several ways I could as a certified (100,000 + hours of mastery training )quantum therapist assist you . One common way is through an in-person hypnosis session in which I would will help you connect with your Higher Self, subconscious, past lives, and more. I even offer these sessions over the phone or internet cause as you may already know distance is an illusion So Transcend Time and Space As I facilitate a distance healing, I am going outside of time and space, altering perception by any number of techniques.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please contact 24 hours prior to schedule appointment. Thank You.

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