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Conjure Oils

Conjure Oils

Conjure OILS


POWERFUL Conjure oils BY YOURS TRULY!Hoodoo the oils , dressing oils Ritual oils. Our hand blended oils are made only from the highest quality of oils herbs and resins.

Whether your interest lies in Voodoo , Hoodoo, conjure, Wicca , Santeria, organ , Divination, Our oils have been carefully design to incorporate the necessary magical properties to help you achieve all your desires in luck money 💵 , success 🌈 , business 👩🏽‍💻🧑🏾‍💻, justice ⚖️, jinx removal🧿 happiness🌞 and love🥰🌹.


Fully Reiki ☄️energized and go through initiation steps in charge under the Full Moon 🌕



⚫️ 🌚🧿🕯😎🌌🖤🚫💣⚔️

Auset: Auset oil is infused with the energy of the Egyptian goddess Isis, also known as Auset. This oil is used to invoke the divine feminine energy, enhance intuition, and promote healing and transformation.


Osiris: Osiris oil carries the essence of the Egyptian god Osiris. It is used to honor the divine masculine energy, promote fertility, provide protection, and assist in matters of ancestral connection and spiritual guidance.


Protection: Protection oil is designed to create a shield of energetic protection around you. It can be used to ward off negative energies, psychic attacks, and unwanted influences. This oil promotes a sense of safety and security.


Money: Money oil is formulated to attract abundance and financial prosperity. It can be used in rituals, spells, or daily practices to enhance your money-drawing abilities, increase wealth, and open up new opportunities for financial growth.


Better Business: Better Business oil is specifically crafted to support success in business ventures. It can be used to improve sales, attract new customers, enhance marketing efforts, and bring overall prosperity to your business or career.


Love: Love oil is infused with the energy of love and romance. It can be used to attract a new love interest, strengthen existing relationships, foster self-love, and promote harmonious connections with others.


Attraction: Attraction oil is designed to enhance personal magnetism and draw positive attention to you. It can be used to increase your charisma, boost your confidence, and attract opportunities, friendships, and potential partners.


Sole Glow (with mica powder shimmer): Sole Glow oil is a unique blend infused with mica powder shimmer. It is used to create a radiant and captivating aura around you, adding a touch of glamour and allure to your appearance.


Justice: Justice oil is associated with fairness, balance, and legal matters. It can be used in spells or rituals to seek justice, resolve conflicts, support legal cases, and promote truth and integrity.


Fuk Ya Spell: Fuk Ya Spell oil is a potent and assertive blend used to overcome obstacles, break through barriers, and manifest your desires with passion and determination. It is often used to empower spells and rituals focused on personal transformation and success.


Empath: Empath oil is crafted to support empathic individuals who are sensitive to the energies and emotions of others. It can be used to create energetic boundaries, enhance emotional resilience, and promote self-care and balance for empaths.


Twin Flame: Twin Flame oil is used to attract or strengthen the connection with your twin flame, the spiritual counterpart of your soul. It can be used in rituals or meditations to aid in the reunion and deepening of the twin flame relationship.


Banish: Banish oil is formulated to remove negative energies, unwanted influences, and obstacles from your life. It can be used in rituals or space-clearing practices to cleanse and purify your environment, creating a positive and harmonious energy.


Divine Masculine Upper Chakras: This oil is specifically designed to balance and activate the upper chakras


Divine Masculine Lower Chakras: This oil is crafted to balance and activate the lower chakras associated with the divine masculine energy. It can promote grounding, stability, personal power, and the expression of masculine qualities such as strength and courage.


Come to Me: Come to Me oil is used to attract a specific person or to draw love and romantic opportunities into your life. It can be used to enhance your personal magnetism and create a strong energetic pull towards the desired person or relationship.


Pu$$y Fairy: Pu$$y Fairy oil is associated with feminine sensuality and empowerment. It can be used to enhance sexual energy, boost confidence, and promote self-love and self-expression. This oil celebrates and embraces the divine feminine essence.


. Lilith: Lilith oil is infused with the energy of the mythical figure Lilith. It is used to connect with the energy of feminine independence, freedom, and personal power. This oil can be used in rituals or meditations to invoke Lilith's energy for empowerment and self-discovery.


Yemaja: Yemaja oil is associated with the energy of the Yoruba goddess Yemaja, known as the mother of the seas. It is used to invoke nurturing, emotional healing, and protection. This oil can be used to connect with the energy of the ocean and its healing properties.


Psychic: Psychic oil is crafted to enhance psychic abilities, intuition, and spiritual insight. It can be used to support divination practices, dreamwork, meditation, and psychic development. This oil can assist in accessing higher realms of consciousness and receiving intuitive guidance.


7 African Powers: 7 African Powers oil is a powerful blend associated with the pantheon of seven African deities. It is used to invoke their combined energies for protection, guidance, and assistance in various areas of life. This oil represents a collective force capable of addressing different aspects of human experience.




Oshun oil is infused with the energy of the Yoruba goddess Oshun. Oshun is revered as the goddess of love, sensuality, beauty, fertility, and abundance. This oil is used to connect with Oshun's energy and invoke her blessings in matters of love, relationships, creativity, and prosperity.


Oshun oil can be used to attract love and romance into your life, enhance your natural beauty and confidence, and promote harmonious relationships. It carries the essence of sweetness, joy, and grace, helping to bring about positive transformations and emotional healing. This oil is often used in rituals, ceremonies, or daily practices to honor and seek the guidance and blessings of Oshun.




Twin Flame: Twin Flame oil is used to attract or strengthen the connection with your twin flame, the spiritual counterpart of your soul. It can be used in rituals or meditations to aid in the reunion and deepening of the twin flame relationship.


Banish: Banish oil is formulated to remove negative energies, unwanted influences, and obstacles from your life. It can be used in rituals or space-clearing practices to cleanse and purify your environment, creating a positive and harmonious energy.


Shi shi Oil is used to conjure good luck especially for gambling to bring in prosperity flow in life and favor when it comes to abundance financially.

Note :All that recently ordered this you won’t be disappointed. I also used it in my own protection work and the energies sent was immediately sent back to “sender’s” 🤨🤌🏽👁🥷🏽🎯🧿🧿🧿🧿Connection 2 Ascension

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